we bring you the most amazing ways to have natural health through our weekly articles on health advice to keep you in shape.

Wednesday 13 September 2017


It’s important to store and prepare meat safely to stop bacteria from spreading and to avoid food poisoning:store raw meat or raw poultry in clean containers so the meat can’t touch or dip onto other food,if you cook meat that you are not going to eat straight away,cool it as quickly as possible and then put it in the fridge or freezer.Remember to keep cooked meat separate from raw meat and always thoroughly clean plates,utensils,surfaces and hands straight away after they have touched raw or thawing meat to stop bacteria from spreading.

Freezing meat safely

It’s safe to freeze raw meat providing that you follow any freezing or thawing instructions on the label,cook the meat straight away if you defrost it in a micro wave.It will go off in the same way as fresh meat or cook food until it’s steaming hot all the way through.But never reheat meat or any other food more than once as this could lead to food poisoning.

Cooking meat safely

Some people wash meat before they cook it,but this actually increases your risk of food poisoning,because the water droplets splash onto surfaces and can contaminate them with bacteria.If meat isn’t cooked all the way through,these bacteria may cause food poisoning.
Bacteria and viruses can be found all the way through certain meat.This means you need to cook these sorts of meat all the way through,its juices run clear and  there is no pink or red meat left inside.

Liver and liver products

Liver and liver products,such as liver sausage,are a good source of iron,as well as being a rich source of vitamin A,we should be careful not to eat too much liver and liver product foods because over the years,a harmful level of vitamin A can build up in the body.This is because the body stores any vitamin Ait doesn’t use, for future use,which means you do not need to consume it every day.People who eat liver or liver products once a week may be having more than an average of 1.5mg of vitamin A per day.If you eat liver or liver products every week,you may want to consider cutting back or not eating them as often.Also,avoid taking any supplements that contain vitamin A and fish liver oils,which are also high in vitamin A.



Eating a balanced diet is all to do with choosing the right foods and eating them in the right proportion.A balanced diet for adults and and children over five years old should contain forty five(45%) percent of carbohydrates twenty(20%) percent protein,and no more than thirty five(35%) percent fats.
Children need more fat in their diet than adults,claim nutritionists,because of their high energy requirements and because their bodies are busy growing.

Scientific research has also shown that oily fish such as tuna,sardines or salmon is vital for brain development and visual development and including these foods in their diet may help to improve the performance of children with learning difficulties such as dyslexia.
Here,is a guide for food types to include in your child’s diet.


This group should make up the largest part around 45 percent(%) of your child’s diet.Bread,rice and pasta are the body’s main source of energy and also provide vitamins,minerals and fibre.
They are also a good source of iron essential for forming red blood cells which carry oxygen around the body.A good intake of iron is also necessary for energy,intellectual performance and vitality.

The recommended daily intake for children

Children between one and ten years old should eat about five servings of carbohydrates each day.One serving is one slice of bread,a small portion of brown rice or pasta,or a small bowl of cereal.

Fruit and vegetables

Fruit and vegetables are important as they provide phytochemicals such as vitamins and minerals,which help protect against cancer and heart disease.
Fruit and vegetables are also an important source of fibre.Root vegetables in particular are important carbohydrates for energy.

The recommended daily intake for children

At least five portions a day.This could include a Satsuma,half an apple,four dried apricots,a tablespoon of peas and one tomato.


Dairy foods provide protein,vitamins and minerals and are the best source of calcium,important for bone and teeth health.It’s important to choose full fat milk and yoghurt because children need ‘good fat’ for energy when growing.

The recommended daily intake for children

Children should have three portions of milk or dairy products each day.This could be a glass of milk,a pot of yoghurt,or cheese.


Meat,poultry,fish,eggs and nuts provide a good source of protein,which is important for the growth,maintenance and repair of body tissue.Red meat provides the best and most easily absorbed source of iron.
Not enough protein can lower resistance to infection.Scientific research has shown that a lack of oily fish can lead to dyslexia and learning difficulties.

The recommended daily intake for children

Children should eat meat or chicken three to four times a week two or more portions of fish each week,one of which should be an oily variety like tuna,sardines or salmon.Protein foods like cheese or eggs are a good source for breakfast.


Caffeine is a central nervous stimulant,and your response to the substance will depend on things like your tolerance levels and your genetics.Caffeine is found naturally in a variety of common foods such as coffee,tea and cocoa beans.Natural or synthetic caffeine can be added to food products such as energy drinks,alcoholic beverages,mints,energy bars and sweets.
Myths about coffee                             

Coffee is a diuretic

Many people worry that drinking caffeine beverages will cause them to become dehydrated,but good quality evidence has found this not to be true.Caffeinated and non-caffeinated drinks are similarly hydrating.

Coffee leaches calcium from your bones

A moderate daily intake of coffee is not associated with any adverse effects on your bones or calcium balance,as long as you consume an adequate calcium intake from your diet.

Pregnant women shouldn’t drink coffee

Although conclusive evidence regarding the adverse effects of caffeine consumption during pregnancy on birth outcomes is limited.Thus,although caffeine does not need to be avoided completely,lower intakes are recommended.

Coffee is harmful to your brain

Some evidence suggests that excessive caffeine consumption may be associated with less cognitive decline in healthy older adults without dementia(this protective effect appears to be more pronounced in women and men)

What caffeine will do to your body

The most notable effects are on the brain as it is a central nervous system(CNS) stimulant,well known for keeping the consumer awake,increasing mental alertness and cognitive functioning.It had also been documented to enhance physical performance by improving endurance and reaction time.
In general when caffeine is consumed in moderate amounts,400 mg/day for a healthy adult,less or equal to 200 mg/day during pregnancy and lactation and less or equal to 3 mg/Kg/day for children and adolescents,it does not have negative effects on overall health.This being said,if you are more sensitive to caffeine more severe side effects may be experienced at lower doses.
Too much caffeine can cause symptoms like a heart palpitations,restlessness,anxiety,stomach upset and sleeplessness.Some studies found that even one cup of coffee can increase the time it takes to fall asleep and candecrease total sleep time.
Some sensitive individuals may experience effects such as vomiting,electrolyteimbalances,arrhythmias,seizures and hallucinations.If youthinkyou havebuilt up a tolerance to your daily cuppa,this is entirely possible,and if you stop having it you may experience withdrawal effects such as headaches,fatigue,drowsiness,impaired concentration and mood and irritability.s
The method by which the raw ingredients are processed(roasting,grinding and brewing time) as well as the growing conditions,harvesting,plant genetics and soil quality will all affect the caffeine content of the final product.This makes it difficult to accurately label the caffeine content of food,but the approximate figures should be enough for the body.


Urinary tract infections (UTIs) could be common among women,girls and children,but the elderly are not safe either.There are several factors to explain this,

What are UTIs?

A UTI affects any part of the urinary system like kidneys,ureters,bladder and urethra and its common among girls,pregnant women and the elderly.However,it is very difficult to detect among the old adults because they do not present with common signs as in the young people.
Elderly persons aged 60 and above are at high risk.Urine formation starts from the kidney,and later it is passed to the ureters that connect to the bladder and then it is passed out through the urethra.This is the urinary system affected by UTIs.
The infection of the urinary system involves both the lower(urinary bladder and urethra) and the upper(kidneys and ureters) urinary tracts.The main cause of UTIs is bacteria such as ecoli,staphylococcus and enterococci.Ecoli being the commonest organism of all and this can be got from stool.

Who is at risk?

People of all age groups are at risk of catching UTIs but in old age both men and women aged 60 and above can catch UTI but women are more prone to getting such infections because they have a shorter urethra.
Some physicians say as women age,their hormones change,leading to loss of estrogen and making them prone to UTI.He adds that it is also common in people with diabetes.
Even elderly men are at a higher risk of getting UTI than when they are still middle aged.As they age,their prostate gland enlarges,hence blocking the complete emptying of the bladder and the little urine that remains in the bladder becomes a perfect ground for bacteria to thrive,resulting in an infection.
Hospitalized elderly people are also more likely to suffer from UTI because of the urinary bladder catheters inserted in them to help them pass out urine.
Signs of UTI infection
An elderly person may develop fever,frequent urination,reduced mobility and dizziness,which lead to falls.
The most common sign of UTI in the elderly is confusion because their behavior can change abruptly from their normal mentation.
They develop urine incontinence,passing urine out before reaching the bathroom and also start passing urine in bed at night.
The elderly person may get lower abdominal pain,burning sensation on urination,foul smelling urine and fever.


Make sure to drink plenty of fluids so that you can flash out bacteria causing UTI.It’s advisable for elderly people to take fluids before 6:00 pm to avoid interruptions in their sleep at night because of the urge to visit the bathrooms.
Elderly people should also avoid urinary bladder irritants like caffeine and alcohol.And also urinate as soon as they feel the urge to help sweep out bacteria hence reducing on the risk of in


Every child enjoys eating rice like adults too,if you decided to walk into more than two homes,the food that you will find there is rice but have you ever taken into consideration the grave danger you are putting your life and that of your family in?Well today,we will unveil to you that eating rice in large quantities is not just bad for your health but could endanger you and why you should start eating it in small moderations.
Rice is a staple food for many,but is the carbohydrate rich grain a healthy one?It depends on the kind of rice you choose.Brown rice is often considered healthier rice than white rice,but white rice may actually be the healthier choice.Like anything from the grains family,rice contains a certain level of anti-nutrients like phytates which can make it hard for us to absorb the minerals it contains.
Rice in general is actually quite unhealthy for you and that’s why it needs to be eaten in moderation.
Rice has a high glycemic index(as in,it breaks down into sugars almost immediately upon eating).
Foods with high glycemic indexes are dangerous because upon consumption,they cause in a quick spike in your blood sugar.This results in your body storing the sugar instead of breaking it down,which then results into sugar storages,which means it is turning the sugars into fat.Abuse of high spikes in blood sugar for long periods of time results in major fat storage,and can also put you at risk for major health issues such as Type II diabetes.
You will see rice is in the same category as potatoes,French fries,soda crackers,and white bread.It’s potatoes,rice,and all can be broken down as starch foods.The main offender:Fruit juice.
So many people give children fruit juice thinking it’s healthy,but it is pure sugar and the main reason why your children are facing type II diabetes in grade school.
This a huge factor as to why majority of countries are being so susceptible to type II diabetes because they consume a high amount of rice in their diets.It’s like eating sugar for breakfast,lunch,and dinner.
Sugar and simple carbohydrates like white bread and rice are the unhealthiest components,and it’s every where.Sugar is hiding in all foods (yoghurt,ketchup,bbq,sauce,various vegetables like carrots and potatoes),white bread,crackers,etc.
That’s why it’s a bit backwards when we advertise candy and other food products as ‘’fat free’’.Fat is actually not the component we should be nearly as concerned about,as it has a low glycemic index.Sugar is still present in those products,which spike your blood sugar,resulting in fat storage anyways.
Fat free is a whole other ordeal in our society.To make anything fat-free,they need to pump it full of additives,which is the component you are alluding to with the fear of carcinogenics in your foods.So,on your next coffee break,don’t feel so bad if you want real cream or an extra cream in your coffee-it’s the extra sugar packet and fat-free creamer that’s causing the most damage.
If you are going to eat rice though,making rice from scratch is the healthiest as it won’t contain sodium or preservatives.
The best advice to you is that if you want to stay in your good health and live longer,you have to stay away from pre-cooked rice and low fat options because they full of preservatives and additives,which are the components you fear are carcinogenic.If you are going to eat anything,enjoy the real thing,but in moderation.


The more muscle a person has,the more creatinine they produce(men produce more creatinine than women).Creatinine is a by-product of breaking down of creatinine phosphate in muscle and is produced at a fairly constant rate by the body.Our kidney filters the blood to remove creatinine and eliminate it from the body through urine.

This waste is a by-product of normal muscle functions.The amount of creatinine in the blood not only reflects the amount of muscle a person has,but also the performance of the kidney.Most men with normal kidney function have approximately 0.7 to 1.2 mg/dL of creatinine and women with normal kidney function have between 0.5 to 1.1 mg/dL of creatinine.Some people may have more creatinine in their blood due to body size,activity level,diet and medication.

Levels of creatinine present in blood can be used to determine the performance of the kidney whether it is affected or not.

The body has a mechanism of eliminating creatinine from blood by the help of the kidney.So,for our kidneys to perform,it must be healthy.We have a role of caring for our kidney and below are some of the ways you can follow for a healthy kidney:

  • Regular exercises can help your body to get rid of excess toxins from the body,which would have overloaded the kidney hence reducing the amount of creatinine in blood.
  •    Eat more fibre to increase the performance of the kidney and these fibres can be got from fruits,vegetable,whole grains,legumes.
  •       Drinking a lot of fluids and water is the best way to keep your body hydrated to dissolve toxins for easy excretion.
  •    Reduce your protein intake.
  • Eating large amounts of protein can increase creatinine levels.Cooked red meat in particular can affect creatinine.Switch to more vegetable-based dishes such as lentil soup.
  • The best foods you need to include in your diet to nourish the kidneys are black beans,kidney beans,salmon,cloves,cinnamon,bark,garlic,ginger,onions,beetroot,blue and black berries.
  •  Lastly but not least,limit on your supplements containing creatine.Unused creatine is converted into creatinine.


Where as most of us may find this a little a bit scarstic,wondering how cold water may be harmful to ones,health experts have come up and proved that it’s also indeed harmful and even though ice has many health benefits,drinking ice water or cold water can only give temporary relief and here are some reasons why you shouldn’t drink ice or cold water.

Interferes with your digestion

Drinking ice water or cold water hampers the process of digesting food as it causes your blood vessels to shrink slowing down the process of digestion and as the food is not digested properly,the nutrients are lost or not absorbed by the body.

Robs you of nutrients

The body’s temperature is 37 degrees celcius and when you drink something at a very low temperature,your body has to spend energy to regulate its temperature,this spent energy is otherwise used to digest food and absorb nutrients,thereby leaving your body short of nutrition.

Increases your chances of getting a sore throat

Drinking cold water can cause the build up of respiratory mucosa,which is a protective layer of the respiratory tract such that when this layer gets congested,the respiratory tract is exposed and becomes vulnerable to various infections and hence the chances of your throat turning sore are high.

Decreases your heart rate

Drinking ice water or cold water decreases your heart rate,furthermore drinking ice water stimulates the vagus nerve.The vagus nerve is the 10th cranial nerve and is an important part of the body’s autonomous nervous system that controls involuntary actions of the body.The vagus nerve mediates the lowering of the heart rate and low temperatures of ice cold water act as a stimuli to the nerve which causes the heart rate to drop.

It negatively affects the spleen

The spleen is considered to need a moderate temperature in order to function properly.A healthy spleen is essential for protecting the body from pathogens and fighting off infection therefore taking cold water may end up affecting the spleen and this may weaken the body since it won’t be able to fight some infections.

It weakens the immune system

Drinking cold water after a meal creates excess mucus in your body,which can lead to a decrease in the immune system function,making it easier to catch colds and illnesses and although its effect is minimal,to and individual with a weak constitution,drinking cold water could prove problematic.

Increases existing health conditions

Cold water can increase asthma symptoms in children,according to a study by the European society of Pedriatric Allergy and immunology and another study found that 7.6% of the participants experienced a headache after drinking a glass of ice water and the numbers only go up when you factor in whether or not a participant had a history of migraine.



When people age,their body organs wear out,among these is the gastric mucous layer.The problem is that people think that ulcers is untreatable and that it is associated with not eating.
What are ulcers?

Ulcers are sores on the lining of the stomach,small intestine or oesophagus.Ulcers manifest in different ways.The peptic ulcer in the stomach is called a gastric ulcer and a duodenal ulcer is a peptic ulcer that develops in the first part of the small intestines.The duodenum ia an area where food is digested after passing through the stomach.

Ulcers in infant stages presents with a mild pain and people,especially the elderly,think it is old age affecting them.But in many cases,most of them are brought to us with advanced stage ulcers when they are unconscious after they have had the ulcers attack.
It’s estimated that 10% of adults globally are affected by peptic ulcers at least once in their lifetime.
Any one can be prone to any of the ulcers,but those who drink alcohol,smoke,eat only acidic foods such as oranges and fatty acids are vulnerable.


Although many people think and believe that failure to eat on time and old age are the causes of ulcers,doctors say the bacteria known as helicobacter pylori which naturally lives in the stomach,is a major cause of ulcers.
Other causes of ulcers are the prolonged use of pain killers commonly known as the nonsteroidal anti­-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen and paracetamol.It’s increasing becoming a habit for people to take pain killers on daily basis.These medicines further destroy the intestinal and stomach walls,worsening the ulcer situation.
Eating fatty and spicy foods,too,can cause ulcers as they discharge more unnecessary acid in the body.Foods with spicy content such as curry powder plus acidic fruits such as bananas,pineapples and oranges,among others,cause ulcers.
Stress could also lead to ulcers because when one is in that condition,the body releases many acids that may burn the walls of the stomach,causing ulcers.
Failure to eat on time is also another cause of ulcers because when the acids in the stomach lack what to digest,they resort to intestinal walls,causing ulcers.
Signs and symptoms.

  • A person gets a burning pain or gnawing between the breastbones to the navel as reasons to worry of the ulcers disease.
  • However,such pain may not show in some people,especially the elderly,but the ulcers may manifest when one has not eaten.
  • Ulcer complications
  • Ulcers can be disastrous and can lead to death if not well treated.Tolerance of pain by the elderly is a problem,they report to health centers when ulcers are in advanced stages.Advanced ulcers can lead to total damage of the stomach,causing bleeding of the stomach lining,which makes the patient anaemic.This blood is released through faeces or vomiting and the situation can lead to death if not attended too.


“If ulcers is diagonised early,it can be treated.The treatment involves three drugs omeprazole,clarithromycin and Amoxicillin which are taken for not less than two weeks and where this treatment does not work,then surgery is done”says Dr Harriet Nankabirwa a geriatrician.


1.    Drink lots of water
Elderly people are advised to take,eat on time and the right food.Such foods are those free from fats and spices.
2.    Avoid painkillers,take yoghurt.
Avoid frequent use of pain killers as they disturb the stomach lining.Take yoghurt and milk as it helps sooth the wounds.
3.    Seek medical attention
Always seek medical attention from hospitals to determine if you are suffering from ulcers.And you too should get rid of stress as it escalates the problem.


Most of us prefer to start our day with a warm cup of tea or coffee.However,when it comes to water,we usually prefer to grab a cold one not realizing we are actually doing more harm to our bodies.

Although drinking warm water does not entice your taste as warm tea or coffee,regular consumption of warm water provides a number of health benefits,including weight loss and pain relief.

Have you ever wondered what will happen if you drink warm water?the answer might surprise you as we bring you reasons as to why warm water is good for your health.
It helps in weight loss if you are planning to lose weight through a diet? Well,you could drink some warm water instead and by drinking warm water ,there is a slight increase in your body temperature, which in turn accelerates your metabolic rate and being a zero calorie drink,warm water prevents hunger and also opens up your senses,making it an excellent weight loss aid for you.

Other benefits of drinking warm water

Cleanses your body

Not so many people know that warm water acts as a potent portion to cleanse your body by flushing out harmful toxins through your sweat and urine and this in turn flushes out the toxins trapped in your body.You can also add lemon juice and honey to warm water for better results.

Helps in digestion

Drinking warm water, especially during your meals helps in the digestion of the food you eat by speeding up in the break down process and also maintains the electrolyte and mineral balance in your body and adding on,drinking warm water on an empty stomach also improves bowel movements and constipation.

Prevents premature aging

In addition to cleansing your body of toxins,warm water increases your skin elasticity and enhances its ability to perform repairs,thereby reducing the signs of premature aging such as wrinkles,dry skin and dark patches.

Relieves the symptoms cough and cold

An effective natural way to get rid of cough,cold and sore throat is by drinking warm water in that it acts by clearing phlegm and providing instant relief from respiratory ailments,especially productive cough.
You can also combat nasal congestion by drinking warm water.

Reduces pain

The heat from warm water soothes muscles by increasing blood flow and relaxing them so,if you are suffering from cramps or muscle pains,apply a hot water pack on the affected area to ease the pain and it has also has been an age old remedy to relieve pain and swelling due to muscle cramps as well as to deal with menstrual pain and headache.

Works as workout drink

It’s time to replace your energy drink with warm water post workout.Drinking warm water after a work out not only adds vitamins and minerals in your body but also rehydrates you,and kick starts your metabolic process.In addition to this, warm water continues the calorie burning process post work out,helping in speeding up the weight loss process.

Induces sleep

sipping warm water during your meals especially during dinner or before going to bed,not only helps in digestion and cleansing your body of toxins but also helps your body relax and soothes your nerves in that you are able to get a good sleep.

Helps in blood circulation

When you drink a glass of warm water,fat deposits and toxins circulating in the blood are eliminated from the body and to add on,it also helps improve blood circulation in your body and lowers your risk of various health complications due to the presence of toxins in your blood.

Protects against skin infections

Apart from working on skin cells,daily consumption of warm water detoxifies your skin,there by lowering your risk of skin-related infections and the rule of drinking atleast eight glasses of warm water daily holds true in dealing with aging as it also acts as a natural moisture for dry and patched skin.

Reduces your risk of water borne diseases

Another added advantage of drinking warm water is that you are at a lower risk of suffering from water borne diseases.This is because,boiling water kills the number of microbes present in the water,thereby making it fit for consumption as compared to water at cold or room temperature.

Works on constipation

Many of you have experienced the uncomfortable and irritating effects of constipation,this common stomach problem occurs when one has little or no bowel movement and often,the cause is a lack of water in the body so if you begin your morning by drinking very warm water,before you have eaten anything,you can help improve your bowel movements,thus reducing the effects of constipation.


Tuesday 22 August 2017

Sk Mbuga Beats Bobi Wine In Diplomatic Awards.

Bobi Wine

Socialite Suleiman K Mbuga has peeped Kyadondo East Mp Robert Ssentamu Kyagulanyi and wife Barbie to clinch Extra-ordinary Youth personalities category.This was in the diplomatic 2017 ceremony held on Friday at Hotel Africana in kampala.
Mbuga beat Bobi Wine and wife Barbie who both were nominated in the same category.Whereas Sk Mbuga,as he is known is hospitalized,his friend Isa Musoke picked the award on his behalf.
The awards organized by Uganda Youth Talent Promotions (UYTP) in partnership with spiroline Enterprises and consultancy Agency also recognized among others USAID in the foreign Organisations category,state house in the government Organisations/parastatals category and Buganda in the cultural leaders/institutions category among others.
The diplomatic Awards,an annual event is aimed at recognizing and appreciating the Diplomatic missions,individuals and other organisations who have shown full support to the youths in this country.
Its  noted that Sk Mbugas award is as a result of his support to the youths and his hospital project which he said will benefit the youth too.

Deep breathing reduces stress

how to deep breathe

Many people tend to lose focus and become angry when they are stressed and this affects the body.
Well,the only solution to stress is taking a deep breath as according to most fitness experts.


 How to deep breathe

  •         Find a quiet,comfortable place to sit or lie down straight on your back.

  •         First,take a normal breath and start thinking or imagining about anything good.

  •         Breathe in slowly through your nose,allowing the chest and lower belly to rise as the lungs get filled.

  •         Let the abdomen expand fully.

  •         Breathe out slowly through your mouth.

  •         Slowly breathe through the nose and fill the lungs completely.

·        Give yourself full attention for about 20 minutes.Do this 5-7 times a week.

How to lose fat around your stomach

lose fat around your belly

Normal traditional exercises,such as sit-ups,ab cradles and ab rollers will not make you lose that belly.Fat in your stomach tends to be under the skin,around your organs.
This fat can predispose you to many health problems,such as heart attack,diabetes and breast cancer.
To get rid of fat around the stomach you need a good nutrition plan and an excellent fitness programme.
The nutrition plan one can adopt is to decrease sugar  intake,alcohol,food with preservatives and cut down carbohydrates.
Eat foods that contain lean proteins,whole grains,fruits and vegetables.
You should keep a food diary to help you monitor what you eat.It is advisable for one to start planning their three major meals for the day in advance.The best exercises you can do to shed off the fat around your stomach include a 30 minutes of cardio exercise every day such as interval running.


·        One minute running at high intensity,then walking for one minute and repeat this 10 times.
·        Then do a 10 minute run at a moderate pace.
Other  exercises one can do in addition to cardio are:

·        Core stability exercises,such as variation planks (front,side),knee raises and kicks.
·        Strength exercises,such as squats,deadlifts,press-ups and inverted rows.

What is depression?


Depression is described as a common mental health disorder  that presents with persistent low mood (sadness) that happens almost daily.It can last at least two weeks.
Depression leads to loss of interest in pleasurable activities and feelings of guilt or low self worth.Other symptoms are failure to sleep or sleeping excessively,loss of interest in activities that a person used to enjoy and poor or excessive appetite.
Depression is a diagnosable medical condition that can affect anyone.Symptoms range from mild to severe,it is also different from the usual sadness,stress or fear that anyone can experience from time to time.
The condition is caused by a change or an imbalance of chemicals in the brain.It is triggered by issues such as poverty,unemployment and stressful events such as war,social unrest or death of a loved one.
It can also be triggered by mental disorders such as anxiety,physical illnesses,such as cancer and HIV/AIDS.
The number of people living with depression increased by more than 18% between 2005 and 2015,according to a new report by the world Health Organisation (WHO),titled depression and other common mental disorders.
The report also disclosed that more than 80% of the disease burden is among people living in low and middle income countries.

By Dr Sheila Ndyanabangi
The principal medical officer.

Nine top tips for a healthy skin

Nine top tips for a healthy skin

These are some of the things you can do to have a healthy skin and perhaps kick off to your anti aging goals so easily.

  •      Drink plenty of clean water daily to keep your skin and body hydrated.Adequate water is responsible for eliminating toxins out of the body in various ways,for example sweating and urinating.

  •         Have adequate fibre in your diet.This keeps intestinal tracts regular,and enhances the elimination of waste products from your body.Some skin problems are caused by constipation.

  •         Regulate eating of bad fats which many affect your skin and have essential fatty acids,more especially those obtained from seeds,nuts,dark leafy vegetables,sunflower,sesame and oily fish are vital for healthy skin.

  •          Eat foods which contain antioxidants (these slow down aging of cells).Fruits and vegetables are the best sources of natural plant antioxidants.
skin care and treatment

The Acnezine solution is a revolutionary acne skin care system formulated to treat acne from the inside-out

  •         Cut down on intake of caffeine or alcohol,all of which drain moisture from your body.
  •        Apply honey three times a week to your face or other part of the body.Leave the honey on the skin for about 30 minutes and then rinse off honey with warm water.

  •         Reduce foods that clog for example red meat,dairy,refined foods,fried foods that contain bad fats.
  •         Cut down on table salt.Excess sodium in the system leads to skin puffiness and swelling.
  •        Avoid strongly spiced dishes where possible.

Kenya’s defeated Raila Odinga goes to top court

Kenya’s defeated Raila Odinga goes to top court
Raila Odinga on one of his campaign rallies.

Opposition leader Raila Odinga said he would take his claims that kenya’s presidential election was rigged to the supreme court,after previously refusing to do so,and vowed to protest peacefully.
‘’we have now decided to move to the supreme court and lay before the world the making of a computer generated leadership,’’the 72 year old leader of the National Super Alliance(NASA) coalition told journalists.
He also called for peaceful forms of protest against the victory of his opponent President Uhuru Kenyatta.
Odinga recalled that the rights to demonstrate,strike and carry out acts of civil disobedience were enshrined in the constitution.
‘’We will preach peace ,we will uphold our rights to assemble and protest.We shall hold vigils,moments of silence,beat drums and do everything else to peacefully draw attention to the  gross electoral justice and demand redress,’’he said.
Days of sometimes violent street protests,crushed by police,have left at least 17 people dead among them two children since the declaration of kenyatta’s victory.
The blood shed has spurred traumatic memories of the clashes that followed the country’s presidential vote in 2007,when a wave of politically-motivated tribal violence left  1,100 dead.
Odinga called for peaceful demonstrations against the ‘’the death of democracy.’’
‘’kenyans have no need to use violence to achieve justice,’’he said.
‘’This country is now divided between those prepared to live under autocracy and the forces of freedom and democracy.’’
Kenya’s defeated Raila Odinga goes to top court
Raila addressing his supporters.

Odinga has charged that the August 8 election was rigged in favour of Kenyatta through the hacking and manipulation of the electronic vote counting system,claims he repeated.
He accused the election commission of illegally releasing unverified results to create the expectation of an Uhuru Kenyatta victory’’ and claimed that the results had been hacked because an algorithm had been introduced to rig the out come,an allegation he will have to prove in court.
Odinga,who had previously ruled out a court appeal,said he was only going to the judges after civil society groups and among them was the Kenya Human Rights Commission(KHRC) and the Africa Centre for Governance(AfriCOG) were threatened with closure by government.
He said NASA was taking its appeal to the courts despite consistent ruling a series of pre-election petitions.

Grace Mugabe claims immunity in assault case

Grace Mugabe claims immunity in assault case
President Robert Mugabe and wife Grace Mugabe heading for the delegates meeting


Zimbabwes First lady Grace Mugabe has claimed diplomatic immunity after being accused of assaulting a 20 year old model,south African Police said confirming she had not fled the country.
‘’the suspects lawyers and her government representatives made verbal representations that the suspect wished to invoke diplomatic immunity cover’’ a statement from the police ministry said.
The 52 year old wife of President Robert Mugabe is accused of attacking Gabriella Engels on Sunday evening at a Johannesburg hotel where the first lady’s two sons were staying.
Engels has registered a case with the police alleging assault with intent to do grievious bodily harm,saying she suffered deep cuts to her forehead and the back of her head.
The police said that Grace Mugabe had been expected to report to a police station on Tuesday to give her version of the events and obtain a warning statement,but she failed to show up.
They added that she was scheduled to attend a regional summit of the southern African Development Community in Pretoria where her husband and other heads of state will be present.
The alleged attack threatens to spark a diplomatic tiff between the two neighbouring countries,which have strong political and economic ties,though Zimbabwean officials have made no comment on the case.
Grace Mugabe claims immunity in assault case
Engel displaying her scar after being assaulted by Grace Mugabe
Grace Mugabe allegedly arrived at the capital 20 West Hotel with body guards and accused Engels of partying with her sons Robert and Chatunga,who are both in their 20’s and live in Johannesburg.
Pictures on social media appeared to show Engels bleeding from her head after the alleged assault at the hotel in the upmarket business district of sandton.Engels said she was attacked with an electrical extension cord.



20 healthiest foods you shouldn't live without

This dark Brazilian super berry is found to have one of the highest antioxidants levels of any fruit in the world.
Dark colored berries have been known for their health benefits because of their Anthocynins (vascular pigments) which give the acai its color.
These belong to a group of molecules called flavonoids.Well,twelve additional flavonoids were found to the Portuguese book ‘’Acai:Preparo,compsicao e Melhoramento de conservaco’’ (schauss et al.2006a)
It also contains a rich amount of phytosterol which may reduce blood cholesterol.
In a 2006 Uniersity of Florida study,the Acai berry destroyed cultured human cancer cells.Acai is increasing in popularity and can now be found in smoothies,juices,and other products.
But in order to get the most from the berry,it is best to buy a product that has been free-dried and prepared naturally.


20 healthiest foods you shouldn't live without

Another high antioxidant superfruit,the pomegranate,makes many guest appearances in Greek mythology.Its contains high amounts of vitamin B5, and potassium.It also contains punicalagians which scavenge free radicals.
The pomegranate seed juice has been shown to juice has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease,the seed oil was effective in the proliferation of breast cancer cells in vitro,and may slow the development of prostate and colon cancer.
Drinking 80z of 100% pure pomegranate juice a day is the most effective way to gain the benefits from the fruit.


20 healthiest foods you shouldn't live without

This veggie has a reputation of being a good source of iron.But in 1937.it was found that the iron levels were high for a vegetable but significantly lower than once thought.
Popeye the sailors’s favourite food is still high in vitamins K (which maintains bone health),A,C and magnesium.
It is also a good source of several antioxidants.
Spinach may also be good for your brain.some studies show that it may protect the brain from oxidantive stress and may reduce the effects of age related brain decline.


20 healthiest foods you shouldn't live without

As part of the cabbage family,broccoli has many potent cancer fighting nutrients.
This might green veggie is usually boiled or steamed and possesses high amounts of selenium,vitamin C and soluble fiber.
Studies have found that boiling broccoli for more than 10 minutes may strip it of nutrients.
However, the same studies found that steaming,microwaving,and stir-frying will not rob the plant of its cancer fighting compounds.



20 healthiest foods you shouldn't live without

This trout with a keen since of smell may make you smarter.
DHA and EPA are important for brain function and salmon is a good source of both.
The salmon is also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D.
It can also increase blood levels and heart rate which promotes cardiovascular health.
Norwegian researchers found that Omega-3 is better absorbed by eating salmon as opposed to Cod Liver Oil supplements.



20 healthiest foods you shouldn't live without

This root plant is widely used in juices and soups.It is a monster in the vitamin A league packing an amazing 686% of the daily recommended value for one cup(122 grams) of carrots.
The carotenoids found in foods like carrots have been shown to lower blood sugar and promote colon health.

Blue berries

20 healthiest foods you shouldn't live without


       Another fruit that can lower your risk of cancer and heart disease is the blue berry.
Along with being high in vitamin C and potassium,blue berries are anti-inflammatory.
Studies have also found that eating wild blue berries may slow the effects of aging and thus it can work as an anti aging ingredient.


20 healthiest foods you shouldn't live without

This tropical fruit that grows in hanging bunches,is grown in over 107 countries.
Bananas are packed with vitamins and minerals but because of its remarkable potassium content,doctors recommend it for patients with high blood pressure or low potassium.
Another member of the banana family,the plantain,has a slightly higher vitamin and mineral content when cooked but is equal in fiber and protein.


20 healthiest foods you shouldn't live without

This powerfully nutritious fruit named after a village in Italy has immense health benefits.
Cantaloupes have 112% the daily recommended vitamin C and 103% recommended vitamin A is great for your vision health.The combination of B complexes also makes it good energy source.


20 healthiest foods you shouldn't live without

A member of the onion family,garlic is grown year round and has been used throught history for culinary and medicinal purposes.
Commonly known for warding off vampires in European folklore,this root crop packs a punch against some serious conditions.
It has been well documented that the compounds of garlic have boost hydrogen sulphide to relax the arteries.
It can also help prevent strokes,heart attacks,and limit cancer growth according to a 2007 University of Alabama study.
Garlic is now found in supplement forms but researchers are finding great benefits of aged and fresh garlic as opposed to processed.

   Wheat germ

20 healthiest foods you shouldn't live without

The germ in wheat germ has nothing to do with bacteria but with the germination.
It is one of the most nutritious foods you can your hands on and has more vitamins and minerals per ounce than any other fruit or vegetable on the planet.
With over 23 nutrients,the benefits of consuming wheat germ in some form seem endless.It is also commonly used by athletes and body builders for its muscle growing potential.
The many people who feel as though they are obtaining the benefits of this food by eating bread are mistaken.
Flour that has had the germ removed is commonly used to make white and most wheat breads.
It is most likely better to buy wheat germ and add it to pancakes,cereal,muffins,and other foods.


20 healthiest foods you shouldn't live without

This herb which is drunk after steeping in hot water,is the second most commonly drunk beverage in the world.
Tea has been used in Asia and India for thousands of years and is now being highly marketed in the western world.
Green and black teas are well known for their high antioxidants.
Tea has been known to normalize blood pressure and help prevent cardiovascular disease and diabetes by lowering blood glucose activity.It also has anti-carcinogenic,anti-mutagenic and anti-tumor properties.
If that isn’t enough for you,early lab test show that green tea may be beneficial against bone inflammation related to arthritis and cartilage breakdown.

   Leafy Dark Greens like collard

20 healthiest foods you shouldn't live without

When you take a bite out of that burger you might be thinking that you are getting your daily greens from the lettuce between those buns.Actually,lettuce is only as nutritious as drinking a glass of water.
To get the most out of your greens you should partake in some or the darker members of the Brassica family.
Collard greens and kale are both high in calcium and beta-carotene.
The 3-3 Diindolylmethane found in these veggies has been found to modulate the innate immune system in the body.
They also contain sulforaphane that prompts the liver to produce enzymes that help detoxifies cancer causing chemicals.

   Beans and other legumes.

20 healthiest foods you shouldn't live without

This family includes peas,lentils,soy nut,chickpeas,and lima beans.
Although many tend to avoid or neglect eating legumes,studies show that eating four or more servings a week can make a difference in your health.
A nurse’s Healthy study in 2006 showed that eating four or more servings a week as opposed than to less than one lowered the chance of heart disease by 22%.


20 healthiest foods you shouldn't live without

This hard skinned root vegetable has a sweet taste and has also been used in the past for making certain types of medicine.
Beets are rich in folate and B vitamins which are essential for tissue growth.
It is recommended that women who are pregnant consume high amounts of folate for the spine development of the infant.
The blood pressure reducing power of beet juice is un believable!
The American Heart Association journal Hypertension showed a reduction in high blood pressure of volunteers in just one hour after drinking 500mls of beet juice!
The reduction was more pronounced as time went on and lasted up to 24 hours.


20 healthiest foods you shouldn't live without

One of the oldest vegetables known to man,onions have been used in a variety of ways through the ages.
Along with garlic,onions have a side effect of halitosis(bad breath) but the advantage of eating it out weighs that derivative.
In research that used data from Italian and swiss cancer preventing possibilities of onions.
The study found that those who consumed more onions per week protected against seven different types of cancer.
Onions also have been shown to have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial activity as well as lowering blood sugar.


20 healthiest foods you shouldn't live without

This vine fruit has been a staple in American and Canadian thanksgiving for hundreds of years.
Now researchers are studying the health benefits of the little vine berry and finding that it may deserve to be  called a superfruit.
Cranberries are excellent for digestive health and are high in antioxidants like its dark berry brothers.
But there may be another unexpected advantage of cranberries.
It contains a chemical compound that can inhibit and even reverse plague which can lead to  tooth decay.
It’s harder now to find  100% cranberry juice.
Most are a part of a cock tail because of cran berries taste.Most supermarket brands stock cran berry mixed with apple,pine-apple,grape,and other juices.


20 healthiest foods you shouldn't live without

Sometimes they are known as Chinese apple,oranges originated from south east Asia.It is well renowned for its very high vitamin C content.
Oranges also contain high dietary fiber and folate.
Many people believe that taking vitamin C supplements or drinking sugared drinks fortified with vitamin C has the same health benefits as drinking orange juice.
A recent Italian study proves otherwise.Subjects were given three drinks to consume.Blood-orange juice,fortified vitamin C water,and sugar water.
Then blood samples were taken and exposed to hydrogen peroxide.The subjects who drank the orange juice showed 18% less damage to DNA after 3 hours.
Those who drank the fortified drink and sugar water showed no protection against DNA damage.




20 healthiest foods you shouldn't live without

This fruit with a smooth and creamy flesh is grown widely throught central and south America.Avocado have higher fibre content than any other fruit and are packed with 60% more potassium than bananas.
Avocados also help lower cholesterol and have been known to lower low density lipoprotein (bad cholesterol) and raise high density lipoprotein (good cholesterol).
You really need to get your hands on this fruit.


20 healthiest foods you shouldn't live without

Studies are being conducted to find out more about this Mediterranean perennial thistle.
We know about its phyto nutrients which can lower cholesterol as a part of a healthy diet.
There have also been discoveries about the antioxidant contained in this food.
Artichoke extract may have a protective effect on liver cells and may reduce symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

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