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Wednesday 13 September 2017


It’s important to store and prepare meat safely to stop bacteria from spreading and to avoid food poisoning:store raw meat or raw poultry in clean containers so the meat can’t touch or dip onto other food,if you cook meat that you are not going to eat straight away,cool it as quickly as possible and then put it in the fridge or freezer.Remember to keep cooked meat separate from raw meat and always thoroughly clean plates,utensils,surfaces and hands straight away after they have touched raw or thawing meat to stop bacteria from spreading.

Freezing meat safely

It’s safe to freeze raw meat providing that you follow any freezing or thawing instructions on the label,cook the meat straight away if you defrost it in a micro wave.It will go off in the same way as fresh meat or cook food until it’s steaming hot all the way through.But never reheat meat or any other food more than once as this could lead to food poisoning.

Cooking meat safely

Some people wash meat before they cook it,but this actually increases your risk of food poisoning,because the water droplets splash onto surfaces and can contaminate them with bacteria.If meat isn’t cooked all the way through,these bacteria may cause food poisoning.
Bacteria and viruses can be found all the way through certain meat.This means you need to cook these sorts of meat all the way through,its juices run clear and  there is no pink or red meat left inside.

Liver and liver products

Liver and liver products,such as liver sausage,are a good source of iron,as well as being a rich source of vitamin A,we should be careful not to eat too much liver and liver product foods because over the years,a harmful level of vitamin A can build up in the body.This is because the body stores any vitamin Ait doesn’t use, for future use,which means you do not need to consume it every day.People who eat liver or liver products once a week may be having more than an average of 1.5mg of vitamin A per day.If you eat liver or liver products every week,you may want to consider cutting back or not eating them as often.Also,avoid taking any supplements that contain vitamin A and fish liver oils,which are also high in vitamin A.


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