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Wednesday 13 September 2017


The more muscle a person has,the more creatinine they produce(men produce more creatinine than women).Creatinine is a by-product of breaking down of creatinine phosphate in muscle and is produced at a fairly constant rate by the body.Our kidney filters the blood to remove creatinine and eliminate it from the body through urine.

This waste is a by-product of normal muscle functions.The amount of creatinine in the blood not only reflects the amount of muscle a person has,but also the performance of the kidney.Most men with normal kidney function have approximately 0.7 to 1.2 mg/dL of creatinine and women with normal kidney function have between 0.5 to 1.1 mg/dL of creatinine.Some people may have more creatinine in their blood due to body size,activity level,diet and medication.

Levels of creatinine present in blood can be used to determine the performance of the kidney whether it is affected or not.

The body has a mechanism of eliminating creatinine from blood by the help of the kidney.So,for our kidneys to perform,it must be healthy.We have a role of caring for our kidney and below are some of the ways you can follow for a healthy kidney:

  • Regular exercises can help your body to get rid of excess toxins from the body,which would have overloaded the kidney hence reducing the amount of creatinine in blood.
  •    Eat more fibre to increase the performance of the kidney and these fibres can be got from fruits,vegetable,whole grains,legumes.
  •       Drinking a lot of fluids and water is the best way to keep your body hydrated to dissolve toxins for easy excretion.
  •    Reduce your protein intake.
  • Eating large amounts of protein can increase creatinine levels.Cooked red meat in particular can affect creatinine.Switch to more vegetable-based dishes such as lentil soup.
  • The best foods you need to include in your diet to nourish the kidneys are black beans,kidney beans,salmon,cloves,cinnamon,bark,garlic,ginger,onions,beetroot,blue and black berries.
  •  Lastly but not least,limit on your supplements containing creatine.Unused creatine is converted into creatinine.

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