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Tuesday 22 August 2017

Kenya’s defeated Raila Odinga goes to top court

Kenya’s defeated Raila Odinga goes to top court
Raila Odinga on one of his campaign rallies.

Opposition leader Raila Odinga said he would take his claims that kenya’s presidential election was rigged to the supreme court,after previously refusing to do so,and vowed to protest peacefully.
‘’we have now decided to move to the supreme court and lay before the world the making of a computer generated leadership,’’the 72 year old leader of the National Super Alliance(NASA) coalition told journalists.
He also called for peaceful forms of protest against the victory of his opponent President Uhuru Kenyatta.
Odinga recalled that the rights to demonstrate,strike and carry out acts of civil disobedience were enshrined in the constitution.
‘’We will preach peace ,we will uphold our rights to assemble and protest.We shall hold vigils,moments of silence,beat drums and do everything else to peacefully draw attention to the  gross electoral justice and demand redress,’’he said.
Days of sometimes violent street protests,crushed by police,have left at least 17 people dead among them two children since the declaration of kenyatta’s victory.
The blood shed has spurred traumatic memories of the clashes that followed the country’s presidential vote in 2007,when a wave of politically-motivated tribal violence left  1,100 dead.
Odinga called for peaceful demonstrations against the ‘’the death of democracy.’’
‘’kenyans have no need to use violence to achieve justice,’’he said.
‘’This country is now divided between those prepared to live under autocracy and the forces of freedom and democracy.’’
Kenya’s defeated Raila Odinga goes to top court
Raila addressing his supporters.

Odinga has charged that the August 8 election was rigged in favour of Kenyatta through the hacking and manipulation of the electronic vote counting system,claims he repeated.
He accused the election commission of illegally releasing unverified results to create the expectation of an Uhuru Kenyatta victory’’ and claimed that the results had been hacked because an algorithm had been introduced to rig the out come,an allegation he will have to prove in court.
Odinga,who had previously ruled out a court appeal,said he was only going to the judges after civil society groups and among them was the Kenya Human Rights Commission(KHRC) and the Africa Centre for Governance(AfriCOG) were threatened with closure by government.
He said NASA was taking its appeal to the courts despite consistent ruling a series of pre-election petitions.

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