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Tuesday 22 August 2017



20 healthiest foods you shouldn't live without

This dark Brazilian super berry is found to have one of the highest antioxidants levels of any fruit in the world.
Dark colored berries have been known for their health benefits because of their Anthocynins (vascular pigments) which give the acai its color.
These belong to a group of molecules called flavonoids.Well,twelve additional flavonoids were found to the Portuguese book ‘’Acai:Preparo,compsicao e Melhoramento de conservaco’’ (schauss et al.2006a)
It also contains a rich amount of phytosterol which may reduce blood cholesterol.
In a 2006 Uniersity of Florida study,the Acai berry destroyed cultured human cancer cells.Acai is increasing in popularity and can now be found in smoothies,juices,and other products.
But in order to get the most from the berry,it is best to buy a product that has been free-dried and prepared naturally.


20 healthiest foods you shouldn't live without

Another high antioxidant superfruit,the pomegranate,makes many guest appearances in Greek mythology.Its contains high amounts of vitamin B5, and potassium.It also contains punicalagians which scavenge free radicals.
The pomegranate seed juice has been shown to juice has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease,the seed oil was effective in the proliferation of breast cancer cells in vitro,and may slow the development of prostate and colon cancer.
Drinking 80z of 100% pure pomegranate juice a day is the most effective way to gain the benefits from the fruit.


20 healthiest foods you shouldn't live without

This veggie has a reputation of being a good source of iron.But in 1937.it was found that the iron levels were high for a vegetable but significantly lower than once thought.
Popeye the sailors’s favourite food is still high in vitamins K (which maintains bone health),A,C and magnesium.
It is also a good source of several antioxidants.
Spinach may also be good for your brain.some studies show that it may protect the brain from oxidantive stress and may reduce the effects of age related brain decline.


20 healthiest foods you shouldn't live without

As part of the cabbage family,broccoli has many potent cancer fighting nutrients.
This might green veggie is usually boiled or steamed and possesses high amounts of selenium,vitamin C and soluble fiber.
Studies have found that boiling broccoli for more than 10 minutes may strip it of nutrients.
However, the same studies found that steaming,microwaving,and stir-frying will not rob the plant of its cancer fighting compounds.



20 healthiest foods you shouldn't live without

This trout with a keen since of smell may make you smarter.
DHA and EPA are important for brain function and salmon is a good source of both.
The salmon is also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D.
It can also increase blood levels and heart rate which promotes cardiovascular health.
Norwegian researchers found that Omega-3 is better absorbed by eating salmon as opposed to Cod Liver Oil supplements.



20 healthiest foods you shouldn't live without

This root plant is widely used in juices and soups.It is a monster in the vitamin A league packing an amazing 686% of the daily recommended value for one cup(122 grams) of carrots.
The carotenoids found in foods like carrots have been shown to lower blood sugar and promote colon health.

Blue berries

20 healthiest foods you shouldn't live without


       Another fruit that can lower your risk of cancer and heart disease is the blue berry.
Along with being high in vitamin C and potassium,blue berries are anti-inflammatory.
Studies have also found that eating wild blue berries may slow the effects of aging and thus it can work as an anti aging ingredient.


20 healthiest foods you shouldn't live without

This tropical fruit that grows in hanging bunches,is grown in over 107 countries.
Bananas are packed with vitamins and minerals but because of its remarkable potassium content,doctors recommend it for patients with high blood pressure or low potassium.
Another member of the banana family,the plantain,has a slightly higher vitamin and mineral content when cooked but is equal in fiber and protein.


20 healthiest foods you shouldn't live without

This powerfully nutritious fruit named after a village in Italy has immense health benefits.
Cantaloupes have 112% the daily recommended vitamin C and 103% recommended vitamin A is great for your vision health.The combination of B complexes also makes it good energy source.


20 healthiest foods you shouldn't live without

A member of the onion family,garlic is grown year round and has been used throught history for culinary and medicinal purposes.
Commonly known for warding off vampires in European folklore,this root crop packs a punch against some serious conditions.
It has been well documented that the compounds of garlic have boost hydrogen sulphide to relax the arteries.
It can also help prevent strokes,heart attacks,and limit cancer growth according to a 2007 University of Alabama study.
Garlic is now found in supplement forms but researchers are finding great benefits of aged and fresh garlic as opposed to processed.

   Wheat germ

20 healthiest foods you shouldn't live without

The germ in wheat germ has nothing to do with bacteria but with the germination.
It is one of the most nutritious foods you can your hands on and has more vitamins and minerals per ounce than any other fruit or vegetable on the planet.
With over 23 nutrients,the benefits of consuming wheat germ in some form seem endless.It is also commonly used by athletes and body builders for its muscle growing potential.
The many people who feel as though they are obtaining the benefits of this food by eating bread are mistaken.
Flour that has had the germ removed is commonly used to make white and most wheat breads.
It is most likely better to buy wheat germ and add it to pancakes,cereal,muffins,and other foods.


20 healthiest foods you shouldn't live without

This herb which is drunk after steeping in hot water,is the second most commonly drunk beverage in the world.
Tea has been used in Asia and India for thousands of years and is now being highly marketed in the western world.
Green and black teas are well known for their high antioxidants.
Tea has been known to normalize blood pressure and help prevent cardiovascular disease and diabetes by lowering blood glucose activity.It also has anti-carcinogenic,anti-mutagenic and anti-tumor properties.
If that isn’t enough for you,early lab test show that green tea may be beneficial against bone inflammation related to arthritis and cartilage breakdown.

   Leafy Dark Greens like collard

20 healthiest foods you shouldn't live without

When you take a bite out of that burger you might be thinking that you are getting your daily greens from the lettuce between those buns.Actually,lettuce is only as nutritious as drinking a glass of water.
To get the most out of your greens you should partake in some or the darker members of the Brassica family.
Collard greens and kale are both high in calcium and beta-carotene.
The 3-3 Diindolylmethane found in these veggies has been found to modulate the innate immune system in the body.
They also contain sulforaphane that prompts the liver to produce enzymes that help detoxifies cancer causing chemicals.

   Beans and other legumes.

20 healthiest foods you shouldn't live without

This family includes peas,lentils,soy nut,chickpeas,and lima beans.
Although many tend to avoid or neglect eating legumes,studies show that eating four or more servings a week can make a difference in your health.
A nurse’s Healthy study in 2006 showed that eating four or more servings a week as opposed than to less than one lowered the chance of heart disease by 22%.


20 healthiest foods you shouldn't live without

This hard skinned root vegetable has a sweet taste and has also been used in the past for making certain types of medicine.
Beets are rich in folate and B vitamins which are essential for tissue growth.
It is recommended that women who are pregnant consume high amounts of folate for the spine development of the infant.
The blood pressure reducing power of beet juice is un believable!
The American Heart Association journal Hypertension showed a reduction in high blood pressure of volunteers in just one hour after drinking 500mls of beet juice!
The reduction was more pronounced as time went on and lasted up to 24 hours.


20 healthiest foods you shouldn't live without

One of the oldest vegetables known to man,onions have been used in a variety of ways through the ages.
Along with garlic,onions have a side effect of halitosis(bad breath) but the advantage of eating it out weighs that derivative.
In research that used data from Italian and swiss cancer preventing possibilities of onions.
The study found that those who consumed more onions per week protected against seven different types of cancer.
Onions also have been shown to have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial activity as well as lowering blood sugar.


20 healthiest foods you shouldn't live without

This vine fruit has been a staple in American and Canadian thanksgiving for hundreds of years.
Now researchers are studying the health benefits of the little vine berry and finding that it may deserve to be  called a superfruit.
Cranberries are excellent for digestive health and are high in antioxidants like its dark berry brothers.
But there may be another unexpected advantage of cranberries.
It contains a chemical compound that can inhibit and even reverse plague which can lead to  tooth decay.
It’s harder now to find  100% cranberry juice.
Most are a part of a cock tail because of cran berries taste.Most supermarket brands stock cran berry mixed with apple,pine-apple,grape,and other juices.


20 healthiest foods you shouldn't live without

Sometimes they are known as Chinese apple,oranges originated from south east Asia.It is well renowned for its very high vitamin C content.
Oranges also contain high dietary fiber and folate.
Many people believe that taking vitamin C supplements or drinking sugared drinks fortified with vitamin C has the same health benefits as drinking orange juice.
A recent Italian study proves otherwise.Subjects were given three drinks to consume.Blood-orange juice,fortified vitamin C water,and sugar water.
Then blood samples were taken and exposed to hydrogen peroxide.The subjects who drank the orange juice showed 18% less damage to DNA after 3 hours.
Those who drank the fortified drink and sugar water showed no protection against DNA damage.




20 healthiest foods you shouldn't live without

This fruit with a smooth and creamy flesh is grown widely throught central and south America.Avocado have higher fibre content than any other fruit and are packed with 60% more potassium than bananas.
Avocados also help lower cholesterol and have been known to lower low density lipoprotein (bad cholesterol) and raise high density lipoprotein (good cholesterol).
You really need to get your hands on this fruit.


20 healthiest foods you shouldn't live without

Studies are being conducted to find out more about this Mediterranean perennial thistle.
We know about its phyto nutrients which can lower cholesterol as a part of a healthy diet.
There have also been discoveries about the antioxidant contained in this food.
Artichoke extract may have a protective effect on liver cells and may reduce symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

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