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Tuesday 22 August 2017

How to lose fat around your stomach

lose fat around your belly

Normal traditional exercises,such as sit-ups,ab cradles and ab rollers will not make you lose that belly.Fat in your stomach tends to be under the skin,around your organs.
This fat can predispose you to many health problems,such as heart attack,diabetes and breast cancer.
To get rid of fat around the stomach you need a good nutrition plan and an excellent fitness programme.
The nutrition plan one can adopt is to decrease sugar  intake,alcohol,food with preservatives and cut down carbohydrates.
Eat foods that contain lean proteins,whole grains,fruits and vegetables.
You should keep a food diary to help you monitor what you eat.It is advisable for one to start planning their three major meals for the day in advance.The best exercises you can do to shed off the fat around your stomach include a 30 minutes of cardio exercise every day such as interval running.


·        One minute running at high intensity,then walking for one minute and repeat this 10 times.
·        Then do a 10 minute run at a moderate pace.
Other  exercises one can do in addition to cardio are:

·        Core stability exercises,such as variation planks (front,side),knee raises and kicks.
·        Strength exercises,such as squats,deadlifts,press-ups and inverted rows.

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