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Tuesday 22 August 2017

Nine top tips for a healthy skin

Nine top tips for a healthy skin

These are some of the things you can do to have a healthy skin and perhaps kick off to your anti aging goals so easily.

  •      Drink plenty of clean water daily to keep your skin and body hydrated.Adequate water is responsible for eliminating toxins out of the body in various ways,for example sweating and urinating.

  •         Have adequate fibre in your diet.This keeps intestinal tracts regular,and enhances the elimination of waste products from your body.Some skin problems are caused by constipation.

  •         Regulate eating of bad fats which many affect your skin and have essential fatty acids,more especially those obtained from seeds,nuts,dark leafy vegetables,sunflower,sesame and oily fish are vital for healthy skin.

  •          Eat foods which contain antioxidants (these slow down aging of cells).Fruits and vegetables are the best sources of natural plant antioxidants.
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  •         Cut down on intake of caffeine or alcohol,all of which drain moisture from your body.
  •        Apply honey three times a week to your face or other part of the body.Leave the honey on the skin for about 30 minutes and then rinse off honey with warm water.

  •         Reduce foods that clog for example red meat,dairy,refined foods,fried foods that contain bad fats.
  •         Cut down on table salt.Excess sodium in the system leads to skin puffiness and swelling.
  •        Avoid strongly spiced dishes where possible.

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