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Wednesday 13 September 2017


Caffeine is a central nervous stimulant,and your response to the substance will depend on things like your tolerance levels and your genetics.Caffeine is found naturally in a variety of common foods such as coffee,tea and cocoa beans.Natural or synthetic caffeine can be added to food products such as energy drinks,alcoholic beverages,mints,energy bars and sweets.
Myths about coffee                             

Coffee is a diuretic

Many people worry that drinking caffeine beverages will cause them to become dehydrated,but good quality evidence has found this not to be true.Caffeinated and non-caffeinated drinks are similarly hydrating.

Coffee leaches calcium from your bones

A moderate daily intake of coffee is not associated with any adverse effects on your bones or calcium balance,as long as you consume an adequate calcium intake from your diet.

Pregnant women shouldn’t drink coffee

Although conclusive evidence regarding the adverse effects of caffeine consumption during pregnancy on birth outcomes is limited.Thus,although caffeine does not need to be avoided completely,lower intakes are recommended.

Coffee is harmful to your brain

Some evidence suggests that excessive caffeine consumption may be associated with less cognitive decline in healthy older adults without dementia(this protective effect appears to be more pronounced in women and men)

What caffeine will do to your body

The most notable effects are on the brain as it is a central nervous system(CNS) stimulant,well known for keeping the consumer awake,increasing mental alertness and cognitive functioning.It had also been documented to enhance physical performance by improving endurance and reaction time.
In general when caffeine is consumed in moderate amounts,400 mg/day for a healthy adult,less or equal to 200 mg/day during pregnancy and lactation and less or equal to 3 mg/Kg/day for children and adolescents,it does not have negative effects on overall health.This being said,if you are more sensitive to caffeine more severe side effects may be experienced at lower doses.
Too much caffeine can cause symptoms like a heart palpitations,restlessness,anxiety,stomach upset and sleeplessness.Some studies found that even one cup of coffee can increase the time it takes to fall asleep and candecrease total sleep time.
Some sensitive individuals may experience effects such as vomiting,electrolyteimbalances,arrhythmias,seizures and hallucinations.If youthinkyou havebuilt up a tolerance to your daily cuppa,this is entirely possible,and if you stop having it you may experience withdrawal effects such as headaches,fatigue,drowsiness,impaired concentration and mood and irritability.s
The method by which the raw ingredients are processed(roasting,grinding and brewing time) as well as the growing conditions,harvesting,plant genetics and soil quality will all affect the caffeine content of the final product.This makes it difficult to accurately label the caffeine content of food,but the approximate figures should be enough for the body.

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