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Wednesday 13 September 2017


Urinary tract infections (UTIs) could be common among women,girls and children,but the elderly are not safe either.There are several factors to explain this,

What are UTIs?

A UTI affects any part of the urinary system like kidneys,ureters,bladder and urethra and its common among girls,pregnant women and the elderly.However,it is very difficult to detect among the old adults because they do not present with common signs as in the young people.
Elderly persons aged 60 and above are at high risk.Urine formation starts from the kidney,and later it is passed to the ureters that connect to the bladder and then it is passed out through the urethra.This is the urinary system affected by UTIs.
The infection of the urinary system involves both the lower(urinary bladder and urethra) and the upper(kidneys and ureters) urinary tracts.The main cause of UTIs is bacteria such as ecoli,staphylococcus and enterococci.Ecoli being the commonest organism of all and this can be got from stool.

Who is at risk?

People of all age groups are at risk of catching UTIs but in old age both men and women aged 60 and above can catch UTI but women are more prone to getting such infections because they have a shorter urethra.
Some physicians say as women age,their hormones change,leading to loss of estrogen and making them prone to UTI.He adds that it is also common in people with diabetes.
Even elderly men are at a higher risk of getting UTI than when they are still middle aged.As they age,their prostate gland enlarges,hence blocking the complete emptying of the bladder and the little urine that remains in the bladder becomes a perfect ground for bacteria to thrive,resulting in an infection.
Hospitalized elderly people are also more likely to suffer from UTI because of the urinary bladder catheters inserted in them to help them pass out urine.
Signs of UTI infection
An elderly person may develop fever,frequent urination,reduced mobility and dizziness,which lead to falls.
The most common sign of UTI in the elderly is confusion because their behavior can change abruptly from their normal mentation.
They develop urine incontinence,passing urine out before reaching the bathroom and also start passing urine in bed at night.
The elderly person may get lower abdominal pain,burning sensation on urination,foul smelling urine and fever.


Make sure to drink plenty of fluids so that you can flash out bacteria causing UTI.It’s advisable for elderly people to take fluids before 6:00 pm to avoid interruptions in their sleep at night because of the urge to visit the bathrooms.
Elderly people should also avoid urinary bladder irritants like caffeine and alcohol.And also urinate as soon as they feel the urge to help sweep out bacteria hence reducing on the risk of in

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