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Wednesday 13 September 2017


Eating a balanced diet is all to do with choosing the right foods and eating them in the right proportion.A balanced diet for adults and and children over five years old should contain forty five(45%) percent of carbohydrates twenty(20%) percent protein,and no more than thirty five(35%) percent fats.
Children need more fat in their diet than adults,claim nutritionists,because of their high energy requirements and because their bodies are busy growing.

Scientific research has also shown that oily fish such as tuna,sardines or salmon is vital for brain development and visual development and including these foods in their diet may help to improve the performance of children with learning difficulties such as dyslexia.
Here,is a guide for food types to include in your child’s diet.


This group should make up the largest part around 45 percent(%) of your child’s diet.Bread,rice and pasta are the body’s main source of energy and also provide vitamins,minerals and fibre.
They are also a good source of iron essential for forming red blood cells which carry oxygen around the body.A good intake of iron is also necessary for energy,intellectual performance and vitality.

The recommended daily intake for children

Children between one and ten years old should eat about five servings of carbohydrates each day.One serving is one slice of bread,a small portion of brown rice or pasta,or a small bowl of cereal.

Fruit and vegetables

Fruit and vegetables are important as they provide phytochemicals such as vitamins and minerals,which help protect against cancer and heart disease.
Fruit and vegetables are also an important source of fibre.Root vegetables in particular are important carbohydrates for energy.

The recommended daily intake for children

At least five portions a day.This could include a Satsuma,half an apple,four dried apricots,a tablespoon of peas and one tomato.


Dairy foods provide protein,vitamins and minerals and are the best source of calcium,important for bone and teeth health.It’s important to choose full fat milk and yoghurt because children need ‘good fat’ for energy when growing.

The recommended daily intake for children

Children should have three portions of milk or dairy products each day.This could be a glass of milk,a pot of yoghurt,or cheese.


Meat,poultry,fish,eggs and nuts provide a good source of protein,which is important for the growth,maintenance and repair of body tissue.Red meat provides the best and most easily absorbed source of iron.
Not enough protein can lower resistance to infection.Scientific research has shown that a lack of oily fish can lead to dyslexia and learning difficulties.

The recommended daily intake for children

Children should eat meat or chicken three to four times a week two or more portions of fish each week,one of which should be an oily variety like tuna,sardines or salmon.Protein foods like cheese or eggs are a good source for breakfast.

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