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Wednesday 2 August 2017

Twenty three healthy anti aging facts for you to stay longer on earth stay

anti aging
I will give you the close set of examples that I have at hand.my grandparents.my grandmother happens to be older than my grandfather with the age difference of 5 years.she is 86 years and grand father is 81 years.but she looks much younger than her husband.well the question is those who have managed to stay longer and still look younger,what are they doing to achieve this.

For thousands of years,mankind has been trying to discover ever-more innovative ways to look younger and stay healthier.Across the world,cultures have offered their own answers,but thanks to modern day research we now have a good idea of what actually works.
Here are things that every body can do to stave off the aging process and feel better for longer.First we are going to first look at the practices or lifestyles one can engage to stay younger and then we shall look at other quick fix remedies to attain the anti-aging goal very fast.

Practices or lifestyles

1.      Health sex with your spouse

This leads to less stress,boosted confidence,increased pain tolerance,a stronger immune system,and even brain cell growth:if you were not convinced that sex is good,how about these benefits?

2.      Love.

Always surround yourself with people you love,things and decorations that bring you joy,and activities that speak to your soul.

3.      Ice baths.

After a good work out,five to ten minutes of cold therapy can help the body speed the healing time of the tiny muscle tears that happen during exercise.
The cold,and then subsequent warming-up,helps to circulate blood,flush out waste by-products,reduce swelling,and reduce any further tissue breakdown.

4.      Meditation

Even just a few short minutes a day can ease physical ailments,calm the mind,and reduce stress.
Meditation can lead to a deeper self-awareness that can transfer to other areas of your life.

5.      Positive thoughts.

Something you ccould include with your meditating is positive thinking.Positive affirmations said daily,or even through out the day,can slowly change the way your throught process works.Do it well and you can improve self-esteem,fend off depression,and stand a better chance of meeting your goals.

6.      De-stressing

Stress starts off as a mental and emotional barrier,which can then manifest itself in physical problem.
Finding ways to de-stress can have incredible results on your longevity.

7.      Me time or having time alone

Taking some time away from the busy bustle of life to just focus on your-self can do wonders for your well being.It can be something big and exciting like going for a night out with friends or something simple and quiet like taking a well-deserved nap.

8.      Walking

Going for a walk has multiple benefits that work from different angles.The most obvious being that its exercise;it gets your body away from your desk and off your couch.Walking for just 10 minutes is long enough for your brain to switch on its good hormones that start the de-stressing process.Its also an excellent way to get in that much-needed vitamin D from the sun.

9.      Yoga

Start incorporating a small yoga practice into your routine once a week,if possible on a daily basis is even better to start seeing some of its benefits which may be some of the following increased strengthand flexibility,improved moods and sleep patterns,better metabolism and weight loss.

10.  Put more strength in training

Some form of strength training should be a regular part of every one’s lives to help ensure a strong body.You will look better,feel better,and be able to stay active and mobile longer into your life,with a drastically reduced rate for age-related injuries and muscle loss.

11.  Turmeric

This vibrantly-coloured spice,which is like ginger comes from a root,and has long been championed for its various health properties.Studies have shown it can help with inflammation,depression,arthritis and diabetes,and there is even some evidence that it might help fight cancer.

12.  Do away with inflammatory foods

A good chunk of the population could benefit from eliminating these things from their diets.Dairy and gluten can trigger allergies and sensitivities that can cause problems ranging from inflammation and to fatigue.They can even increase risks of certain cancers,according to some studies.

13.  Increase Vitamin D intake

One of the easily available vitamins is vitamin D: all you need to do is to go out I the sun for about 15 minutes a day.Sounds easy,right? Well,its surprisingly common to have a defieciency in this important vitamin.Make sure you get enough:it helps to keep the immune system strong,aids the body in absorbing phosphorus and calcium,can help with depression,and contribute to strong bones and teeth

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Just the idea of having a wonderful spa day full of various massages sounds wonderful,doesn’t it? The body knows what it needs and all you have to do is give in.Getting regular massages can do wonders for melting away tension in the body and nervous system,has mood-boosting effects,and can help improve the function of the lymphatic system.

15.  Set goals

Having some goals set out,both short and long term,can allow you to focus on achieving things.A sense of accomplishment and purpose boosts your mood and often provides further motivation.

16.  Find time to cuddle

Whether it be with your partner,your child,or even your dog,cuddling makes the body release the hormone oxytocin which is responsible for stress relief,building a stronger bond,increasing immunity,and can even lower your risk of heart disease.cuddling with your partner can also help increase your sex drive.

17.  Hugs are a healing to the soul.

Virginia satir,a psychotherapist says ‘’we need four hugs a day for survival.we need eight hugs a day for maintenance.we need twelve hugs a day for growth.” Hugs help the body release optimal levels of oxytocin,an important hormone for happiness.

18.  Let nature be part of you

Though a majority of the population lives in the urban areas,far removed from the natural roots.Taking the time to reconnect with nature does powerful things or the mind and soul.Even something as simple as just walking around your backyard in bare feet to feel the grass between your toes can be enough for some people.

19.  Do facial exercises.

Just like any other muscle,the muscles in the face deteriorate as we age.If you want to keep your facial muscles looking toned and your face looking young and vibrant without going under the knife,it’s a good idea to add facial exercises to your routine three to five times a week.But better cultivate a life that makes you laugh and smile naturally.

20.  Do mindful eating

All too often,we eat break-fast in the car on the way to work,or wolf down food as we work through lunch,or completely forget to eat all day because you were too busy.It takes about 15 minutes for the brain to register that your stomach says its full.If your brain is too busy with other tasks,this message can get lost in the shuffle resulting in you always feeling hungry and never satisfied.This can cause over eating and constant snacking on un healthy food.

21.  Avoid alcohol

Drinking in excess slowly kills your body in many ways.
The liver deteriorates,the skin changes,and the brain cells die off.
If you drink high calorie beverages like beer or sugary alcopops,then weight gain around the middle often happens as well.
Having a large midsection is linked to increased risks of a whole host of illnesses and diseases.

22.  Green tea

Yet another antioxidant source,green tea should be consumed daily.
Loaded with nutrients,green tea has been shown to help with fat loss,lower cancer risks,and improve mental health.
It can also lower your risk for conditions like diabetes,Alzheimer’s,and Parkinson’s disease.

23.  Have enough sleep

When you sleep,your body is working on your recovery without you even realizing it.Overnight,your hormone levels stabilize and your body works on repairing itself.
It’s easy to skimp on it,but getting enough sleep is extremely important.

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