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Thursday 28 June 2018

why you should EAT MEAT in small portions

why you should eat meat in small portions
Gone are the days when we used not to worry about eating meat because there were no health issues attached to it today the trend has changed with doctors advising us to eat if we must,little red meat.Eating a lot of red meat is being associated with cancer and different studies have confirmed it.Today we unveil to you lovers of meat to at least reduce on the portion you consume as eating too much of it and regularly could send your grave early especially if you are the kind who eats it without including diversity.

How much red meat should you eat?

Nutrition is defined as the study of how food affects the body,provides a source of energy,and how nutrients function,good nutrition means getting the right amount of nutrients for the body to function correctly.Red meat such as beef,mutton and pork can form a part of a healthy diet.But eating a lot of red and processed  meat probably increases your risk of bowel (colorectal) cancer.
That’s it’s advisable for people to eat not more than 90 grams (cooked weight) of red and processed meat a day to cut down to 70 grams,which is the average daily consumption.
Red meat is a good source of protein and provides vitamins and minerals,such as iron and zinc.
But evidence shows that there is probably a link between eating red and processed meat and the risk of bowel cancer .People who eat a lot of these meats are at a higher risk of bowel cancer than those who eat small amounts.
To reduce your risk of cancer,the doctor recommends that you should eat not more than 700 grams of meat per week.For a good health,you eat less than 700 grams and you should aim for a smallquantities of meat or two serves like 3-4 times a week and avoid consuming more than your body needs each week.
The cancer council recommends that people to reduce or avoid eating processed meat which are high in fats,because of high fats and salt content of processed meat.
Processed meat should be eaten occasionally and examples include fast foods,cakes,chips and burgers.Try to choose lean meat or chicken,have more fish and ensure that you eat plenty of plants such as fruits,vegetables and whole grain cereals.

What you can do to maintain your health?

A healthy diet can cause you weight loss and lower your cholesterol,you have to make time for your body health.
Foods to replace meat include healthy snacks like carrots,onions,tomatoes and healthy foods products and organic foods among others.If you eat more than 90 grams of red or processed meat a day it is recommended that you cut down.
Ninety grams is the equivalent of about three thin-cut slices of roast beef,mutton or pork,where each slice is about the size of half a piece of sliced bread.
It is recommended that you cut down to 70 grams as this could help reduce your risk of bowel cancer.
Other healthier lifestyle choices,such as maintaining a healthy weight,keeping active and not smoking can also help reduce your risk.Processed meat refers to meat that has been preserved by smoking,curing,salting or adding preservatives.This includes sausages,bacon and ham.

How much red meat does your body need?

It’s not bad to eat red meat but the quantity is the problem.If you must eat ensure that whenever you are planning on eating it,include some vegetables such as spinach,dodo(amaranthus),sukumawaki among others.You can also add some fruits like mangoes,pineapples,oranges,jack fruits,ovacados to mention but a few.There is no specific amount that you should eat because at the end of the day it depends on one’s choice.


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